Saturday 7 March 2015

Hung Out to Dry

I'm mostly a nature photographer because I appreciate the flow, and the natural evolution of it. I mostly take shots of things that you wouldn't ordinarily see or take notice of like these things...seed pods? I don't know. Whatever they are, I appreciate the desiccation and the decay of it much more than I appreciate what was there 

It's hard to enjoy things at the moment, life has become incredibly overwhelming, and more than ever I need my photography, and I need nature to keep being beautiful and exquisite and inviting and ever-changing. 

sb xxx

*All images are available to purchase on etsy 

Monday 2 March 2015


For my birthday last year, my flatmate bought me a portable soft-box cube with lamps.
I was starting to get a little more serious about photography and I was slowly learning my way around my new camera and how to use all of the functions effectively, and I applied what I learned when I took this shot. Adjusting the aperture and the shutter speed was more or less a lesson in patience. Trial and error was key in getting this just perfect and to my own expectations. The rope is actually from my cat scratching post that my flatmate suggested I take a photo of, and the glass is something we use for puddings. Because that's what you do!!
Speaking of cats, I have two. Thomas Jorge Chong and Francesca Brigitta Habib - and they are currently tempting me away from my studies with their bedroom eyes and twitching whiskers. The weather here in Australia is getting cooler by the day which means one thing - kitty cuddles. It's my favourite time of the year for that exact reason...

sb xxx

*All images are available to purchase on etsy